- When the Oscars are on they cancel all the good shows on Sunday night. The best night for TV is skipped over for this stupid award show.
- Half of the awards are for things you’ve never heard of.
- You’ll never watch half of the crap they give awards for.
- There are only 3 awards anyone cares about. Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress.
- The best awards everyone watches for are at the end, so you have to watch the entire thing.
- The winners of the best awards get no time for their speeches because it always goes over time like a damn football game.
- It is the most boring thing on television to watch, watching paint dry is much more appealing. The Oscars are so long, you’ll literally age while watching or sleeping.
- The winners of the “big” awards are of decent movies, but there are usually better movies that year.
- This year, in particular, they are sending more than one political message, it’s not an award shows job.
- No one cares what the foreign press thinks, other than of course the winner.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
10 Reasons The Oscars Suck!
Foreign Press,
Who Cares
What The Fuck Democrats?
I’m truly afraid for my children. This election is going to ensure a psycho like Donald Trump ends up in the oval office. I will always vote Democrat, but I’m ashamed of my fellow liberals right now who refuse to. Donald Trump winning this election will result in eventual mass hysteria.
So Bernie supporters won’t vote for Hillary if she wins the Primary. Hillary supporters won’t vote for Bernie if he wins the election. Really people? You need to compromise, Hillary and Bernie would BOTH be better than any Republican candidate running. Let’s not act like the Republicans, we’re all adults behave accordingly.
As much as I support Bernie and believe in him. I know Hillary will do a better job than any Republican. Sure, she has more sponsors than a Nascar Driver, as bad as I know she will be for our country, she will not be any worse than Donald Trump or God forbid Ted Cruz.
If a Democrat does not win the Presidential Election, say goodbye to many programs that are vital to our country. They will defund planned parenthood, reverse gay marriage, reverse Rowe Vs Wade, cut food stamps, cut medicare, basically cut anything that helps people. I still can’t understand how anyone like that can consider themselves pro-life. They are SO not pro-life, the death penalty is something they love. They are pro-birth with no care or thought of the quality of life after birth. That is not pro-life, that’s the most hypocritical thing I’ve ever seen.
I know I can’t change everyone’s mind on voting or not voting for someone. Hopefully, I get through to one person and it would be worth the time. We vote for what we want, many people are afraid of Bernies proposed policies, as many are afraid of Clintons.
Bernie scares Clinton supporters with his “Socialism” talk. Sanders is not trying to make the US a Communist country. He wants to add to current programs in place. When Bernie says he’s a Democratic Socialist, he is basically saying he agrees with social programs which are already in place. Social programs consist of things like The US Mail Service, Police Departments, Fire Departments, roads, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. He want’s to give everyone free healthcare, he wants everyone to have the opportunity to go to college without massive student loans. How is this a bad thing? He never mentions taxing to pay for this. He’s going to be like Robin Hood, taking from the rich (Wall Street) and giving to the poor (everyone else).
Hillary scares Bernie supporters because of her record, her lies, and her flip flops from only 8 years ago. Hillary is a typical politician, she lies, cheats, and I’m sure steals to get what she wants. I do not care for her, but that doesn’t mean I won’t vote for her. As much as I like the idea of telling the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) to go fuck themselves and vote for Trump, I will NEVER do that. I refuse to act like a Republican baby if I don’t get my way. That’s what they want, they want the pissed off Democrats. Why do you think Trump is running? He doesn’t need the power or the money. Hillary may lie, but she will be better for our country than any Republican running for President.
If you choose not to vote at all, don’t bitch about politics, because you only did it to yourself. Please wake up Democrats! Vote Democrat no matter what! This election is extremely important. A republican win means we go back in time. They will make this country look like 1950 again. I guarantee it. A woman especially has the most to lose with a Republican win.
2016 Election,
Bernie Sanders,
Citizens United,
Donald Trump,
General Election,
Hillary Clinton,
Bernie or Trump?
This is the debate I want to see after this primary nonsense is over Bernie Sanders vs. Donald Trump. That is who it should be, and I know Bernie can beat Trump. The Republican Debate was like watching a bunch of grown ass babies duking it out over bullshit. I’ve never seen anything more pathetic. Then randomly Ben Carson says something and everyone says, “What in the fuck?” I am convinced that son of a bitch is on some high-grade LSD, he actually asked if someone could attack him. I’ve never seen such a circus in my life. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio were embarrassing. I would hold my head down in shame if I was a Republican. Bernie and Trump are looking like the top runners.
Donald Trump has everyone pissed off, it’s quite funny actually. The RNC is up in arms, they won’t truly back a candidate because they’re afraid of him. I’ve never seen anything like that in politics. He has no real qualifications to be the President yet people are still voting for him. He’s a great salesman, he loves to sell himself and he knows how to do it. He knows how to appeal to “the poorly educated” voters. I’ve posted it before, Donald Trump only tells the truth 1% of the time. He has yet to come up with a real political plan. He just seems to wing it, he wants Obama Care gone, but never really says what he’s going to do other than privatizing insurance. That sure has worked well in the past. It’s pretty clear that Trump is going to win in many states.
Bernie Sanders is not backed or liked by any party or media outlet. It’s the people that want him. The people that will vote. The delegates need to get on board with the people. Very few Bernie supporters will come out and vote if Hillary is the nominee. Some will even vote for Trump. Bernie has a clear platform of exactly what he wants to do. The main thing is to overturn Citizens United, which will fix more problems than many know. It will for one stop this obscene amount of campaign funds that make everything about money. It’s legal money laundering, you can read more about Citizens United here….Dangers of Citizen United
Poll if Hillary Clinton gets the democratic nomination will you vote for Hillary…..
49%I’ll write in Bernie
This is not good, this means the Republicans will win, we can NOT have that. I can’t even imagine what this country will look like with Donald Trump in charge. It scares the hell out of me quite frankly. If you thought George W Bush was bad Trump will be a nightmare.
The fact that Trump is winning all of these states really tells the government to go fuck themselves, that is something I agree with. Same with Bernie, if this becomes between the two oddballs Americans will get what they want.
People want change in all directions, just maybe, a different kind of change. I’m not sure what Republicans want I can’t even get down to that level intellectually. They’re fucked in the head, that’s pretty much what I have learned dealing with the hardcore Conservatives. I have family and friends that are not quite as bad, I usually don’t speak politics with family and friends if I want to remain on good terms. We all have our own opinion on what makes for good government and what we want from our leaders. If we all get on board together as Americans and voters we can do this.
Change won’t happen in this election alone, we need to vote across the board. We need to stop some of these career politicians that keep progress down and never leave. If they haven’t done anything yet chances are they’re just filling a seat. Don’t get confused this election is extremely important, especially to keep Trump out of the oval office. He can not be our President. I hope everyone turns up for the general election and they understand that.
2016 Election,
Bernie Sanders,
Citizens United,
Donald Trump,
How The Union Failed Me.
I’ve been Pro Union my entire life, my dad, grandfather, great grandfather were all Teamsters. For many years, I have heard “Union is the way to go” or “Unions are for the working people” this is not quite as true as it used to be. When Unions began they were great collective bargaining, safety, and fairness for all workers. Today it is as corrupt as our Government. The Union leaders all have their hands out but when it comes to the workers they don’t seem to care. The Mafia did a better job at running the Unions, they actually gave a shit about the working people. These “suit” fucks give a shit about their pay, bottom line.
I won’t deny The Union has done great things for this country, but I see all come to an end for the most part. Not only are most states getting rid of Unions, many people are fed up. Below is a list of great things the Union has done. I know it can go back to being just as great as it once was.
- Weekends without work
- All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
- Paid vacation
- Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Sick leave
- Social Security
- Minimum wage
- Civil Rights Act/Title VII – prohibits employer discrimination
- 8-hour work day
- Overtime pay
- Child labor laws
- Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
- 40-hour work week
- Workers’ compensation (workers’ comp)
- Unemployment insurance
- Pensions
- Workplace safety standards and regulations
- Employer health care insurance
- Collective bargaining rights for employees
- Wrongful termination laws
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
- Whistleblower protection laws
- Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) – prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
- Veteran’s Employment and Training Services (VETS)
- Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
- Sexual harassment laws
- Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Holiday pay
- Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
- Privacy rights
- Pregnancy and parental leave
- Military leave
- The right to strike
- Public education for children
- Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 – requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
- Laws ending sweatshops in the United States
Like I said, the Unions can be awesome and great at times. The corruption is what killed the Unions for me, if it weren’t for corruption everything would be perfect. Seeing as how everything is not this is what we get.
My husband joined the Union right out of High School, he was a Carpenter in Chicago. He went to the Chicago District Council of Carpenters school and was eventually vested in the Union. The only good thing about the Carpenters Union was the pay. His hourly pay was great! The benefits were laughable, no sick time, no vacation pay or time, health insurance sucked (as I will explain), dental & vision minimal.
The insurance was absolutely terrible, the plan covered $300.00 per person per year. I had two of my three children when my husband was in the Union. They literally covered nothing, everything was out of pocket because of this terrible coverage. When my daughters were infants and needed immunization or a well-check, I paid out of pocket, oh I’m sorry the Union paid $300.00. The joke here is the union dues cost more per year than we were getting for our health care. That’s not really a joke, it was disgusting. In 2007, my husband was laid off after 7 years with the same company. Although he was one of the last employees laid off by this particular company, it hurt. We became a statistic during the financial crisis in 2007-2008.
The Carpenters Union in Chicago is a joke! After 9 years of service they have done nothing at all to help my family. Getting a Union carpenter job is not like getting any other job. You can’t submit your resume, you have to do leg work and lots of it. They told my husband when you’re looking for a job to sit at your local office and see if any jobs come along. When you go to the Union office and tell them you’re looking for work, they not only tell you there is no work but give you an attitude. To get a job in the industry you need to go to multiple job sites, beg for work, and hope some poor asshole called in sick so you can take his job.
The Union was quick to collect our dues, but not so quick to help you in any real way. The employees that work at the local office looks at the members as a pain in the ass. They’ll do anything they can to get you out of there quickly, being pleasant is not usually a part of it. So now he’s laid off The Union isn’t helping in fact, they still want money to do absolutely nothing. My husband did what any normal person would do, did sidework (carpentry) and got a job in a completely different industry. Sure, he had no benefits but it worked and was something to pay the bills until the economy improved. Unfortunately, the economy did not improve enough to get him steady Union work. Which eventually brought my family to Texas many years later. We still have the pleasure of dealing with the Union after all these years.
Periodically we will get mail from the Union, it never seems to be good news. Every few years we receive a letter from The Union saying how much the pension fund decreased and how much less of a pension he will get. Basically they “lost” our money and fuck you for caring. We are taking a trip back home sometime to move the pension into our 401k. Either way, it’s ridiculousand has me losing faith in everything.
Anything that is good and helps the people seems to become corrupt. If they want Unions to work they need to get rid of some of the excess and cut or eliminate these salaries all together. They may need a few people full time and a handful of people part-time. Their salaries are way too high for what they’re doing. Seems the worker is getting screwed and the asshole behind the desk is making all the money. You can see for yourself, this link will show you all salaries from top to bottom of the Chicago Carpenters Union. Employee Salary Union
As much as I believe in a workers union I can not get behind the corruption it represents. I have seen it with my own eyes. I will back Union workers. I will not back the Union “executives” and anyone just in it for the money and power. That is what it has become, we need to get rid of those in power and get back to what a Union is supposed to be.
I do want to point out that we do no belong to a Union any longer. We are in Texas, it’s a right to work state. Our income is signifigantly higher, paid time off, paid sick time, insurance is 100% covered and paid by employer, full dental and vision, we have stocks, and a 401k. It just goes to show what corruption will do to anything.
Anti Union,
Blue State,
Carpenters Union,
Collective Bargaining,
Pro Union,
Could Donald Trump Be The Antichrist?
Donald Trump keeps winning!! What in the fuck is happening in this country? I know the American people are pissed off, but you don’t want Trump! This man will not make a good President. Why the hell people really want Donald Trump to be President? He is a horrible human being, he is a miserable speaker that yells at everyone. It makes absolutely no sense. I’m literally shocked there are this many twits in the world.
If I were thinking like the good Catholic I was raised to be, Trump would be the Anti-Christ. I’m not very religious at all, yet I believe this to be possible, and this is me being rational after seeing the evidence. While doing some research, I found a pretty good article that made some damn good points, regarding Trump being the Anti-Christ. This is the religious bible point of view. Is Donald Trump The Antichrist of the Christian Bible
Nostradamus predicted the antichrist and this depicts Donald Trump fairly well. I’ll let you be the judge. He predicted the antichrist will rise to power around this time. If you’re curious about Nostradamus’s work I highly recommend it. His writing is scarily accurate and interesting.
Donald Trump wants to take control over the oil fields and the country of Iraq. Saying in an interview on Meet the Press that they should be paying us. Donald Trump the Middle East
The prophecy from the beginning is pretty on point. Donald wants to ban Muslims from entering the country, Nostradamus says, the antichrist will begin to distort the Islam beliefs. Muslim Ban- Trump
The Antichrist will corrupt the religion of Christianity with the intent of destroying it, but he also will distort the beliefs of Islam. He will disguise his agenda of conquest as a way of life and a replacement for religion.He will study and emulate Hitler and his techniques avidly to try to surpass him and avoid his mistakes. He will have access to books and material not available or known to the general public. It will be possible for him to obtain secret Nazi documents on Hitler, and he will study them very carefully.This man will be doomed from the start of his campaign, because he is against central spiritual forces that make up the fabric of the universe. For people who choose this path, “It’s just a matter of how far they go before they fail and what effects they have on the lives around them.” Like the ultimate downfall of many tyrants, his empire and power will be inherently unstable. His own subcommanders will be power hungry in his image, and his authority will fragment around him. The political map of the world, the boundaries of countries, will change but the continents of the world will still be shaped the same.-The Prophecies of Nostradamus
There has been controversy with the Pope and Trump. The Pope had suggested that Donald Trump was not a Christian. Trump slammed back and said it wasn’t right for a religious leader to say things like that, and for once he may be right, but this also proves part of the prophecy. The Popes Comment Trumps Rebuttal
The second-to-last pope will have a short reign. Due to political blunders and mistakes, he will pave the way for the final pope to be a tool of the Antichrist. His reign will be an omen of the final downfall of the church.Before the Antichrist comes to full power, it will appear that other leaders are above him and in control of the power structure. In reality the Antichrist will be using them as stepping stones in his quest for world power. During this period, he will have a traitorous cardinal working for him, spying on the second-to-last Pope. One of the cardinals will steal information from him and alter the Pope’s personal correspondence, so that it has different connotations. It will make the situation appear inordinately worse than it is in reality, causing the Pope to react inappropriately. This way, the populace will be more likely to see him as incompetent and his authority will be destablized, possibly by being assassinated. The cardinal will be troubled by his betrayal because of the obvious dissension it causes the Church; but being allied with the Antichrist, he will rationalize away his backstabbing.=The Prophecies of Nostradamus
There is more to this prophecy, this is just the beginning of Nostradamus’s end of the world prophecy where the antichrist (Possibly Donald Trump) plays a great role.
Tonight Donald Trump won the Nevada primary election. This is just the beginning if this prophecy is accurate and true. Vladimir Putin, who is the antichrist according to some. While researching the antichrist you’ll find many believe it may be Putin. If Trump is not the antichrist, he will help Putin. Depending on how you interpret Nostrodamus’s readings he is very vague but fairly accurate at times. So many signs point to this being true, it’s very hard to deny it. Depending on how you interpret his writings he predicted 9/11, Hitler, Atomic Bomb, Kennedy Assassination, Napoleon, and many others. It’s hard to deny facts, but some are still skeptics. I hope he’s wrong because the end of the world, doesn’t sound pretty.
All I know is when I watched Donald and his sons standing on that stage they looked evil as hell. Eric looked like a vampire, pale with red eyes. Someone should look into that.
Donald Trump,
Bernie or Hillary?
I voted for Bernie, and let me tell you some reasons why. Hopefully, this educates some. The United States is in trouble, we can’t afford to have any of the bozo Republicans they have running.
Hillary Clinton
I understand people change views on things, but some of her view changes are pretty extreme. She is changing her conservative views toward a more liberal country. She should be herself if she was being honest with us and herself she would be running as a Republican.
In 2004 Hillary was against gay marriage, today she is for gay marriage. How nice of her since it’s legal and most of the gay community is liberal.
That’s a pretty annoying video, but you see the point.
In 2008, Hillary said she stood by the 2nd amendment, stood by her vote for the Iraq War, and she opposed states issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.
Today she is singing a whole different tune. I can’t trust someone who just 8 years ago had a completely different opinion. Hillary will say anything she can to get the nomination and you can’t really blame her. The corporations backing her is beyond ridiculous. I believe the American Democrat voters will see her for the snake she is and vote for Bernie.
Bernie has not stopped fighting for his state.
Bernie Sanders
Bernie is the man, he has the same views and does the same things he did back in the 70s. Bernie wants to do what’s right for the people. He can’t be bought and he is honest. The man has lived through a lot of bullshit in this Country. We all deserve to have a leader that gives a damn about something more than their ego or who gives them the most money.
We all deserve to have a leader that gives a damn about something more than their ego or who gives them the most money.
I understand everyone’s doubts about Senator Sanders, the problem has been the Republicans and the Democrats from the start. Politicians do not want to lose their campaign funding, they love lobbyists why wouldn’t they? Hillary is no different when it comes to dirty political money, it’s disgusting how much money is being spent on her campaign. I for one hope more people vote for Bernie, he is the only one that seems to be willing and able to save the middle class from extinction.
2016 Election,
Bernie Sanders,
Hillary Clinton,
Monday, February 22, 2016
Let's Not Be Friends.
I don’t want friends like these. Most people are dickheads in some form of another. Some assholes I like and get along with, others not so much.
Here are 10 types of assholes I steer clear from.
- Bad Drivers – These people are everywhere while they could possibly be alright to talk with and deal with periodically, the reality is they’ll kill you or someone one day. I try not to associate with a bad driver. Who want’s to go visit someone in prison? I certainly don’t.
- Annoying People-These clowns either have an annoying voice, or their general demeanor is annoying as shit. Someone who irritates you without trying. This person sucks, I avoid these assholes.
- Stupid People-The people that talk to you but have no idea what they’re talking about. They are usually very uneducated and frequently misspell. Not that spelling is everything but overall they look stupid in general and I can’t be bothered with them.
- Arrogant People-These jackasses are extremely conceited. They think they’re more important than anyone else. Donald Trump comes to mind, but you get the point. I can’t handle these people, they can just go to hell.
- Overly Religious People-These people fall partly in the category, annoying people. These sinners are usually knocking on doors or telling someone else how to live their life. If you have to pimp your religion to me, it can’t be that great. I’m not looking to hear a sales pitch.
- The Anti-People- These people are anti, this and anti that. It’s exhausting, just shut the fuck up already we don’t want to hear it. They’re against things just to be against something. I won’t put up with a person like this.
- The Bossy Person– Those people that think they can tell you what to do when they’re not your boss. Not even your family, sometimes these people are family, but for the most part not. These people can get fucked, no random asshole is going to tell me what to do. Prison would really suck.
- Judgemental People– These asshats are shit talkers and pass judgement on everyone. A lot of the time these people will judge before knowing someone or judge when they’re no one to judge. They are the type of people that should always look at themselves because they’re usually the worse of their prey.
- Rude People- I can’t stand rude people, these are the jackasses you hold a door open for and they walk through without even a thank you. These bastards are the ones that treat a server like shit and don’t tip. These are the ones who have no manners and may have been raised by animals.
- Bigots– These people hate for no reason and they piss me off. There are bigots of all races and cultures. From racists, that hate because of someone’s skin color, to religious psychos that are against gay marriage, to the cavemen that are against women. They’re all pieces of shit, in my opinion, can’t be near these fuckers.
Trump Supporters Are Fucking Crazy!
Two states have chosen Donald Trump as the Republican front-runner in the 2016 Primary election. It leads any reasonable person to believe the majority of voting Republicans in South Carolina and New Hampshire have severe mental illness or they are intellectually retarded. Then again, they are registered Republicans so I guess, it’s pretty clear it’s both.
Mental illness is real, this I know for a fact. Having worked in mental health, I can tell you that they walk amongst you frequently. Many of the people with mental illness I have encountered were bible thumpers, so that checks off that theory.
According to the Mayo Clinic, Donald Trump suffers from Narcissism if that wasn’t apparent. The man has sued everyone he has ever had a disagreement with. He is currently filing a lawsuit against Ted Cruz over a political ad.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around talk therapy (psychotherapy). –Mayo Clinic
Over 30% of adults in the US self-report mental illness. These are just the people that realize they have a problem. A person like Donald Trump does not know they have a problem. So they wouldn’t report it, the number of actual mentally ill people in the US is very high. Some have called it an epidemic.
Not only did states close mental health facilities, but many that need to be medicated are unable to pay for it. The state mental health facilities may have been inhumane at times, but instead of shutting them down there should have been corrections made to provide quality healthcare. In any case, apparently the mentally ill crazies in New Hampshire and South Carolina are voting.
Updated 2/21 Disclaimer: In no way am I making fun of mental illness, just people that vote for Donald Trump. I am an advocate for mental illness sufferers. Mental illness is real.
Donald Trump,
Mental Illness
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