Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2016 Election Top Candidates, Facts.

Presidential Election 2016 Top Candidates.

These debates are quite funny. I decided to play a drinking game during both Democratic and Republican. I used the words Hillary during the Republican debate, I took a shot of tequila each time I heard her mentioned. I used equality for the Democratic debate, took a shot of tequila each time I heard that word. I got pretty drunk during the debates and finished a bottle during the Republican debate. I have been following Bernie Sanders for years, even prior to President Obama’s election. I have known he is for the people and he never falters on that. I’m not from nor have I ever lived in Vermont. When I think of who I want to be President Bernie and Russ Feingold have always come to mind. If you’re a bigot you’re thinking I am a Jew. Actually I was raised Roman Catholic so that’s far from true. These two gentleman are the best politicians I have had the time to get to know.
Several years ago I was taking an American Government. I had to write many papers and I actually wrote one where the main focus was on Senator Feingold and Senator Sanders. These two men are American heroes as far as I’m concerned. They stand up for the middle class when many other politicians are standing there with their hands out waiting for the lobbyists. They remind me of a different version of Kennedy. I just hope their ending is better than his. Going against corporate greed is a dangerous game. If we back Bernie we have a good chance of winning the war.
Let me tell you about the candidates in case you don’t know who they are. I’m only going to mention the candidates that have a chance in this election.
Hillary Clinton. I just can’t trust this woman.
Hillary Clinton – I will vote for her if she wins the primary, but I can not say I trust her. I am quite sure I am not alone. I always vote democrat, but she is more on the right than I’m comfortable with. The lies throughout her career have outweighed what party she backs. In fact I think both parties are extremely corrupt. Hillary makes some good points during the debates. The problem I have is that one of her main issue is gun control, that will be her downfall. I don’t believe that there is much a President can do about guns. They have been out there, criminals have them while also obtaining more illegally. About the only thing you can do is a psychological test when doing background checks and that would cost a fortune. Not only will it cost a fortune but it will also piss off most of the southern constituents.
While I do not trust Hillary she has a better fact checking record than her Republican adversaries. Hillary Fact Check
The issues are pretty common for democrats. She is for equality which is something the Republicans feel strongly against. She wants to continue on President Obama’s path to our healthcare reform.  Since she was The First Lady she has been behind education reform. Hillary plans to grow our infrastructure and have our country completely powered by solar power. Senator Clinton has great ideas she has been in politics for years and she has a great track record, the fact that she accepts millions for speaking and from big corporations is a problem I just can’t get behind. Hillary on the Issues
Ted Cruz. This picture makes me think he’s related to The Bush family.
Ted Cruz – I never thought I’d see the day this man would throw his hat in the race. This clown is terrifying, but it is comforting to know the majority of republicans are backing him. Honestly, he may win the primary, but there is no way he will win the general election. He was born in Canada for one. The only reason he shows any progress as a congressmen is because he has Texas. Oil is going to keep an economy going that is a given. Texas will always do well financially when oil is flowing. He did nothing to help that. Ted Cruz is a die hard tea-partier and current enemy #1 for Democrats. Ted is not even his real name. He was born Rafael Edward Cruz, not sure where “Ted” came from. Born to a Canadian and Cuban, neither were born in the United States and neither was he.
Some of his more recent lies, please view for yourself. All politicians lie, that’s a given but to what extent is always something I look at.    Ted Cruz Fact Check
On the issues he is as right wing as you can get. Ted wants to make sure you have a baby regardless of what you feel no birth control and no abortion. Cruz, wants guns for all and to make it easier for you to obtain one legally. He feels if he allows you to get unemployment or extend the unemployment you currently have it creates more people that wont work. If you have ever received unemployment you would know that it won’t even pay a quarter of your bills. Teddy would like to reverse the Supreme Court decision regarding Gay Marriage. So instead of progressing in any fashion his campaign will bring us back to the dark ages. Talk about scary…When looking into the issues Senator Cruz stands for, I had to go off a Teddy site. His own site is all about giving him money for his campaign. There was nothing regarding the issues there at all. Cruz on the issues
Bernie Sanders. The only candidate that wants to do something for us.
Bernie Sanders – I just love Bernie, he is who I am voting for and endorsing this election. This man is real, he cares, he wants a better country for us. This man has walked picket lines and listened to the American people. He knows what is wrong with the country and he will be the one to change the major problem. Sure some may say Citizens United being overturned is not the first thing you should undertake. It is absolutely the first thing that should be done. The main problem in this country is financial contributions from corporations to campaigns. It is not only campaigns, the lobbyists are vicious and stop at nothing to pass out money, hookers, drugs, whatever the congress man/congress woman wants to get their point across. The corruption it causes is astronomical, you can not expect these companies to give politicians money and not get what they want. It’s legal bribing and it has ruined our government to a pretty terrifying extent.
Pretty proud that he has no “pants on fires” every other candidate does. Check out his record for truth on politifact. Bernie Sanders fact check
On this issues he is a true progressive. He wants to re-write the trade act to stop these big corporations sending our factories and jobs overseas. If they are going to send our jobs to another country he is going to tax them. He wants to make college tuition completely free, as they do in many other countries. When asked how will we pay for it he concludes that wall street will foot the bill. Bernie feels that since we bailed out the banks to avoid complete collapses they need to bail out our poor education system. To read more about Bernie on the issues please view this site. Bernie on the issues.
Republican presidential candidate Trump gestures and declares "You're fired!" at a rally in Manchester
Donald Trump. The laughing stock of the United States.
Donald Trump – I still find this to be a joke. Has the people of the United States completely lost their minds? This man is a complete and utter asshole. He brings absolutely nothing to the table but his money. He is arrogant, rude, just a vile human being. If that’s what he truly is. Can you imagine Trump having a conversation with a foreign leader? You can’t call people stupid and idiots and expect not to see a nuke coming toward you. He is a joke and I strongly believe he is only running to help Hillary’s campaign.
Trumps statements made have been 1% truth. That is a pretty low number. The outlandish statements can be seen in the following link. Trump Fact Check
On the issues, well Donald and Cruz actually want to build a wall on the US/Mexico border. This wall will cost between 15 and 25 billion dollars. (source. CNBC) They seem to think this will help our immigration problem. Mr Trump would like to renegotiate the Chinese Trade Act, I’m sure calling Xi Jinping, President of China a moron and idiot will fix that trade pretty quickly. The trade is obviously a problem, the question is who is best to deal with situation. Yes, Donald Trump is a businessman he may be great at negotiations. If you have ever watched him in action he is not very good at talking to people. That could get us bombed fairly quickly. Donald Trump also feels strongly about tax reform and many other things. You can read his plans at his website. Donald Trumps PlanYour_Vote_Counts_Badge
The primaries are coming up. No matter what political party you back or do not back go out and vote! If you do not vote, you do not have a say. Yes elections are corrupt, but your vote still counts. To see if your state is in the primary election please check here.
I hope the American people wake up and get on the right path. This is crucial for the United States.

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