Sunday, February 28, 2016

What The Fuck Democrats?

I’m truly afraid for my children. This election is going to ensure a psycho like Donald Trump ends up in the oval office. I will always vote Democrat, but I’m ashamed of my fellow liberals right now who refuse to. Donald Trump winning this election will result in eventual mass hysteria.
So Bernie supporters won’t vote for Hillary if she wins the Primary. Hillary supporters won’t vote for Bernie if he wins the election. Really people? You need to compromise, Hillary and Bernie would BOTH be better than any Republican candidate running. Let’s not act like the Republicans, we’re all adults behave accordingly.
As much as I support Bernie and believe in him. I know Hillary will do a better job than any Republican. Sure, she has more sponsors than a Nascar Driver, as bad as I know she will be for our country, she will not be  any worse than Donald Trump or God forbid Ted Cruz.
If a Democrat does not win the Presidential Election, say goodbye to many programs that are vital to our country. They will defund planned parenthood, reverse gay marriage, reverse Rowe Vs Wade, cut food stamps, cut medicare, basically cut anything that helps people. I still can’t understand how anyone like that can consider themselves pro-life. They are SO not pro-life, the death penalty is something they love. They are pro-birth with no care or thought of the quality of life after birth. That is not pro-life, that’s the most hypocritical thing I’ve ever seen.
I know I can’t change everyone’s mind on voting or not voting for someone. Hopefully, I get through to one person and it would be worth the time. We vote for what we want, many people are afraid of Bernies proposed policies, as many are afraid of Clintons. Bernie.jpg
Bernie scares Clinton supporters with his  “Socialism” talk. Sanders is not trying to make the US a Communist country. He wants to add to current programs in place. When Bernie says he’s a Democratic Socialist, he is basically saying he agrees with social programs which are already in place. Social programs consist of things like The US Mail Service, Police Departments, Fire Departments, roads, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.  He want’s to give everyone free healthcare, he wants everyone to have the opportunity to go to college without massive student loans. How is this a bad thing? He never mentions taxing to pay for this. He’s going to be like Robin Hood, taking from the rich (Wall Street) and giving to the poor (everyone else).
Hillary scares Bernie supporters because of her record, her lies, and her flip flops from only 8 years ago. Hillary is a typical politician, she lies, cheats, and I’m sure steals to get what she wants. I do not care for her, but that doesn’t mean I won’t vote for her. As much as I like the idea of telling the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) to go fuck themselves and vote for Trump, I will NEVER do that. I refuse to act like a Republican baby if I don’t get my way. That’s what they want, they want the pissed off Democrats. Why do you think Trump is running? He doesn’t need the power or the money. Hillary may lie, but she will be better for our country than any Republican running for President.

If you choose not to vote at all, don’t bitch about politics, because you only did it to yourself. Please wake up Democrats! Vote Democrat no matter what! This election is extremely important. A republican win means we go back in time. They will make this country look like 1950 again. I guarantee it. A woman especially has the most to lose with a Republican win.

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