Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Liberals Win! Glenn Beck Loses!

Sometimes life for a liberal is good, for instance just today Glenn Beck announces he will be leaving Fox News, JoAnne Kloppenburg wins a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and Speaker of the House Bohner looks stupid once again. It has been a hard few months for liberals and today it starts to look up again. The Tea Party look like fools, it is astonishing that anyone still supports them. The Republican party is completely killing their chances of leading the Executive office it brings me personally much joy.

The Word is out today Glenn Beck show will be canceled on Fox sometimes in 2011! There really is a God, sorry my atheist friends, but there has to be to make me feel the joy I do right now! The only problem with this is that Fox News and Glenn Beck have both stated that they will still be working together in some form or another. Beck, has lost over 300 advertisers this year, he is down in viewers, and his statements have enraged several different groups. One group that he he has particularly alienated was the Jewish funds for Justice in which Simon Greer, President of this group has stated "Fox News is dumping Glenn Beck because he has been rejected by Jews, by Christians and people of conscience from across the political spectrum." What an accurately true statement, several Jewish and Black groups have publicly denounced the radio and television star. Unfortunately, Glenn Becks radio show is still going to annoy us with his talks of the world ending and speaking of how the Democrats are out to get him and his Conservative cronies. The fact of the matter is Beck is in fact out to get anyone who doesn't feel the way he does, and I will be happy when there is no more talk of the moron people call Glenn Beck.

The battle in Wisconsin on union busting has taken a dramatic turn around thanks to the anger and rage Wisconsinites feel. There was a record turn out for the election last night and JoAnne Kloppenburg earns her seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The win was against incumbent Justice David Prosser who held that seat for 10 years this is a win for the workers in Wisconsin and all over America. Governor Scott Walker has to be shitting his pants right about now. There will more than likely be a re-count, because all Republicans as we know are babies. Just watch Speaker John Boehner speak and cry, you all know it's true. Plus the vote difference was only 204 votes. I think the major problem in Prosser's campaign was that Sarah Palin supported him. We all know that is a bad move for any conservative she is a quitter and a moron, which she has proven several times. As I said win for our side congratulations Justice Kloppenburg! I should also say a congratulations to the good people of Wisconsin!

What is with this budget? The Republicans have had loads of time to get this done. So what in fact is really going on? The Tea Party is in charge of it. Giving all the arrogant destructive right wing conservatives the ball is not the best move Speaker Boehner could have made. If that man had a backbone this could have been done over a month ago. Listening to a complete ignorant person like Michele Bachmann is one of the worst moves I have seen in the Republican Party. That woman can not even figure out where she is half the time, let alone the Federal budget. So what are these morons doing in the House? Golfing? Well I sure as hell hope not, I'll tell you one thing they certainly are not doing their jobs. If a Government shut down happens as a result there will be many angry Americans. First of all how can you do this, there are soldiers fighting overseas and you just think it is OK to shut down and not pay these people? Most have families that rely on that income. Do Republicans give a damn about  families? No, they care about lining their pockets which is apparent in any budget they propose. Giving wealthy more tax breaks and lowering the corporate tax rate is absolutely ludicrous. Corporations do not give a damn about the American people and neither do the executives that work for these corporations. Most corporations are not even run by Americans, so what the conservatives are doing is potentially giving them your hard earned tax dollars. If you vote for these conservatives and make less than 500k per year, you might be an idiot, because you are not who they care about. The number is more than likely higher than that even. Really, Republicans are killing this country so if you want to continue to vote for them it is all of our funerals. They will kill anything decent and humane in this country and it is starting already.

As much as I love this country it shames me everyday to think of what is happening to it. The way the Conservatives toss the working people on the chopping block as they do is absolutely appalling frankly, it is disturbing and to let these people do this is what everyone should be stopping. If the hard working people of the United States do not act soon our country will fall apart, and we are already watching it happen. As much as I agree with President Obama in most ways, he is starting to disappoint me by not fighting back enough. What needs to happen is our President needs to stand up to these people and say NO! That is all he has to do. The man can veto anything in front of him, he has the power to do that and the words he uses as inspiring as they are we need him to step up and say no I will not let you cut Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and every other decent program this country offers. President Obama, please be the leader we know you are!

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