Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Circus of CuntServatives

DONALD TRUMP-clown name- Soggybottommmy Crazy Pants 
Trump, of course, received the first question regarding the KKK and David Duke.  Trump explained to he the commentator that he was the 11th person to ask, that David Duke and the KKK he disavows. He didn’t seem to mad about the racial allegations, but it moved right along. Not another peep about it.
While Rubio was talking smack about Trump he interrupts, blurting out”lies.” They actually were for once, Rubio said Trump inherited 100 Million he inherited 1 million from his father.
“This little guy has lied so much about me.”
Cruz mentions that Trump sent money to Clintons campaigns in 2008.
Trump responds by saying, He did it for business “I have 120 deals outside of the united states which I hope to stop very soon and let my children handle it. We do many deals outside of the United States.” he also mentioned how he gives to many politicians.
Trump went on and on about the wall and said again, Mexico is paying for the wall.
“I’m the only one that beats Hillary Clinton”
“The people of Florida wouldn’t elect him dog catcher.” In regards to Rubio.
Trump called Cruz a liar a few times and says, “I’ve given my answer, lying Ted.”
When asked a question about torture, of suspected terrorist families or the suspected terrorists. He said that he thinks waterboarding is fine basically, compared to what they do to Christians. The Soggybottom is cool with torture of (maybe) terrorists and their families.
“We should go for water boarding and we should go tougher.” -Trump
I have to step in here WHAT?!?!?! The Patriot act comes to mind. The government can walk in your house and drag you out and say you are a terrorist. Nothing you can do about it and nothing your family can do either. Obviously, it probably hasn’t happened but it can. Who is to say the government doesn’t already do that and claim people are a threat. Well enough of the conspiracy theories, back to these animals duking it out for the Power position. Trump scares me I just want to mention that. He looks like he could be related to the devil…just saying.
MARCO RUBIO-clown name-Marco Polo Cholo
Right at the very beginning, Rubio attacks Trump Rubio says,
“He’s done well in these elections there is no doubt, the numbers are there. The numbers also say, 2/3 of the people that have cast a vote in Republican Primary Caucus have voted against you. They do not want you to be our nominee.The Conservative delegates have voted against you, and the reason why is because we are not going to turn over the Conservative movement of the party of Lincoln or Reagan for example to someone who’s positions are not conservative. Last week he defended Planned Parenthood for 30 seconds on the debate stage…” He went a little further digging at Trump then the rebuttal. Donald Trump states the numbers he read on CNN poll, showing Trump at 49%. Rubio interrupts and says that Trump can’t beat Hillary Clinton in a general election. They were just yelling and you couldn’t understand what was said for a good 20-30 seconds until Kelly had to intervene. Trump consistently interrupted Rubio throughout the debate.

Rubio mentioned Donald Trump making his clothes in other countries a few times.
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JOHN KASICH-clown name- Jim-Bob-McSniffels 
Kasich says, “People tell me I’m the only adult on the stage.” He claims he doesn’t get enough air time and he’s correct.
He wants people to know that he will bring the Democrats and Republicans together.
Honestly, not much has been said about his campaign. Many don’t really know much of his plan because they really don’t ask him many questions.
He does seem like the one I would choose if I believed Conservative hypocrisy. John thinks people need to stop suing everyone and people need to be tolerant and respect each other.
Kasich wants to go to war in Syria, Iraq, and Libia.
He may be the only rational one on the stage I concur. He said that he will win up north we’ll see.


MEYGAN KELLY-clown name-Peach PuffyPants
Meygan Kelly asked Trump if he was playing to people’s fantasies like it says in his book.
She is feisty and the only Cuntservative that can be tolerated on Fox News.
Megyn shows Trump a large amount of clips of him lying, she was worse than the other candidates when it came to ripping him a new one. Ultimately made him look like an idiot. She put on the board a link from the Court of appeals. The court compared Trump to Bernie Madoff. “…victims of con artists often sing the praises of their victimizers until the moment they realize they have been fleeced”  Trump must regret pissing this woman off. Good research Kelly, need to give credit where it’s due. Trump said it was a civil case. He’ll win it’s been going on for 5 years. 1/3 of the people that signed up for Trump University was dissatisfied with the course.

Ted Cruz was purposefully left out, and Megyn took his place. He is a good bullshit artist, but you can see through it. He has shifty eyes. They didn’t give him very much time. Which was fine the man is not easily tolerated.
They screamed at each other, for quite awhile.
The moderator asked about Flint, Michigan. They didn’t really say much or answer the question. They said its state and local governments job. They won’t even visit and talk to the people. Why would they? Flint is predominantly African American.
It went as entertaining as most of the GOP debates have been with Donald Trump. The arrogance and the fact that he can not take criticism will lead to his demise.
Cruz didn’t say anything absolutely crazy at this debate, yet he definitely had that annoying factor. You know someone’s presence can absolutely annoy you. That’s Ted Cruz.
Rubio has a small shot, but it’s doubtful. He is the least extreme of the three leaders in this race. Not that Rubio is much of a leader he won one state so far. He is also the choice of the RNC. This is their golden boy and he’s doing horribly bad. That is why he won Minnesota because he’s not screaming hatred as Cruz and Trump do. He’s starting to. Real Conservatives that vote all the time mainly want Rubio,  that is because they don’t even know who Kasich is, although he talks about going to war.
The Conservatives love pain, so war is something they welcome usually. Do Americans want to go to war? I don’t, but I believe war is stupid especially when it’s over religion. Isis isn’t in one place, they are all over. We can’t blow 3 countries to hell. If you really want to do that drop a bomb. Don’t get our people killed. I don’t think the UN will appreciate that much. 
This circus was brought to you by the Republican Debate.

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