Photo by: Mark Bryan...what an amazing artist check his site out |
The Tea Party began on January 24, 2009 in New York, it was a small event hosted by Trevor Leach, and he organized a tax protest. This was in response to the Governor of New York David Paterson’s tax increases. It spawned from there; the next big event was publicized by a Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin. The main trigger to the added publicity and encouraged followers was the Bank bailouts that were given by the Bush and Obama administration. At one rally protesters were questioned why they are there and what they were angry about. “They think federal spending deficits, and taxes are high, and they think no one in Washington is listening to them…”[1] After that the Tea Party starts picking up around the country.
This is what a Tea Party is... |
This is a bunch of white, middle aged men acting foolish... |
There have been several polls taken around the country as to what the membership consists of. Tea Party supporters are mostly white, males, 45 or older, more conservative then most, wealthy, and more education then average Americans. The other finding from these polls that are quite unsettling “11% saying they are concerned over Obama’s race, religion, or ethical background.”[2] That should not be a factor in your political opinion, but it obviously is for these people. Another finding that was disturbing was that “82% of Tea Party supporters do not believe that gay and lesbian couples should have a legal right to marry, and 52% believe that lesbians and gays have too much political power”[3] The United States was once thought of as a diverse country. It seems there is more hate in the US then one would think. The majority of the Tea Party supporters are Republican Conservatives that want your money. I was raised on the belief that the Republican Party will only do for the wealthy, that still holds true today.
- Tea Party politicians are Corporate backed, which means these corporations are running the politician that was elected. The Corporations donate millions to the Tea Party, in hopes if elected they will help them make even more money.
- Corporate law, since these Corporations run your elected official, think of how that changes the law. Two examples, Global Warming is not real, (Science says differently) these people really believe that it was an elaborate hoax. Evolution is not real; again there has been scientific proof. Extreme Christians may not believe it, but the facts do not lie. The main reasons for these conspiracy theories are one Global Warming laws could mean these Corporate owned companies would not have the power to let go their pollution into the environment.
- Taxes are a major issue, we can not raise taxes on anyone, so they say, yet they raised taxes on one class. Any family that makes less than 40k per year had a tax increase in 2010. The wealthy in the US either pay low taxes or they find loopholes to get out of paying any tax. This is what the Tea Party wants to make sure their rich corporate friends do not lose their money.
- De-Unionizing the country, there really is not much more to say then that. Except that it is wrong and workers need rights just like Corporations need not to pay taxes.
- Fox News made the Tea Party what it is, listening to their lies and half truths make the Tea Party look appealing. There is a few websites dedicated to getting Fox off the air and I will list them at the end.
- Constitutional Point Of View is off, you can interpret the Constitution in numerous ways, that is for the Supreme Court to decide, not the Tea Party
- Oil Subsides, the Tea Party is all for this, why would you want to give more of your money away to the oil companies that are squeezing you dry at the pump?
- Education, why in the world would anyone want to privatize education? The Tea Party is all for cutting funds on schools and closing some, if not all in the future.
- Social Security and Medicare, look I know we all believe that Social Security will be gone by the time anyone under 65 needs it, but to cut that from people who need it now is ridiculous! Some of the elderly budget according to their Social Security checks and that is the bottom line.
- Health care, this is just ludicrous first the politicians said they did not want to read the Obamacare bill, it is too long. Now they completely oppose it, but offer nothing in return. The reason for this huge opposition to Obamacare goes back to Corporations, the Tea Party politicians and most of the Republicans in general have stock in the insurance and drug companies. They also are backed by these companies in campaigns.
There are many different Tea Party Organizations all make decent money as well. The breakdown is as follows:
- Tea Party Patriots- 1,000 affiliates across the nation claim to be the official Tea Party.
- The National Tea Party Federation- formed by several Tea Party leaders to help spread the message.
- The Nationwide Tea Party Coalition- a national coalition of several dozen local tea party groups
- Tea Party Nation- Sponsored the National Tea Party Convention that was criticized for it $549.00 per person ticket price. Sarah Palin was said to have been paid 100k for her appearance at this event.[4]
- Tea Party Caucus- The House of Representatives, Michele Bachmann founded this and sits as the chair. This caucus is supposed to be devoted to the Tea Party’s philosophy, fiscal responsibility, limited government, and adherence to the Constitution.
See this is all about money; the supposed ‘Tea Party’ does not care even a little about the people. For these people it is all about the money, of course they are looking to be re-elected as well, that is why they pretend to care. Some politicians if not most are using this uprising if you will to their advantage. They gain money, publicity, and power, the power is what is terrifying. The Constitution was based on checks and balances, if the Tea Party is all for the Constitution, what exactly are they doing. Who is checking on the lobbying that is a major problem within the Tea Party caucus. If someone gives them enough money they will do whatever they want them to. It is quite absurd, this is not just the Tea Party, it is all of Government in general. These acts are far from Courageous these political figures accepting bribes or falling into blackmail are a major problem in politics today.
This does not even crack into everything the Tea Party has done, and is doing today. This is made to be informative, on what the Tea Party is about and what. This blog will continue until the end of the Tea Party or myself.
[2]Tea Party canvass results, Category: "What They Believe" A Party Face Washington Post October 24, 2010. Retrieved 2011-03-6.
Anti-Fox News Websites....
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!