When debating with some of the people who claim to be tea party or Republican supporters they may call you a communist. Unless you are the CEO of a Corporation, chances are you are not. If this happens let me tell you what to do. Calling them names doesn’t do the trick. Put these people in their place and tell them some cold hard facts. Democrats and Liberals are not Communists we all know that we are Americans who want fairness. We also want to protect the working class citizens as well as programs that help the poor and hard working people alike. It is not hard to understand the true meaning of freedom. When dealing with these people you have several options really. First off let me give you some basic facts about the lovely word.
1. advocacy of a classless society in which private ownership has been abolished and the means of production and subsistence belong to the community
2. any social, economic, or political movement or doctrine aimed at achieving such a society
3. ( usually capital ) Marxism Marxism-Leninism See also socialism a political movement based upon the writings of Marx that considers history in terms of class conflict and revolutionary struggle, resulting eventually in the victory of the proletariat and the establishment of a socialist order based on public ownership of the means of production
4. ( usually capital ) a social order or system of government established by a ruling Communist Party, esp in the former Soviet Union 5. chiefly ( US ) ( often capital ) any leftist political activity or thought, esp when considered to be subversive 6. communal living; communalism[1]
As defined Communism is a classless society, one may argue that is what liberals want. That is untrue, sure the wealthy corporations are a problem, but it is well known that many corporations are foreign. The wealthy in the United States make up about 2% of the country. Most liberals including myself have no problem with wealth. The problem with the wealthy in this country is they are not doing their part in paying their fair share of taxes through no fault of their own. They also seem to have different laws, simply because they can pay their way out of trouble. Communism is something liberals do not want, most liberals want to own the property they buy and keep the money they earn. Some of the wealthy in this country are liberals as well, why would they want to share what they earned?
Good ole’ China, a Communist country, so lets break this down for the mentally challenged conservatives. Our major corporations and manufacturers’ are being shipped over to China, correct? Major corporations hold stake is pretty much any GOP corrupt candidate that will take money for their soul. So if communism is good enough for the corporations the Republican Party must support communism. In fact is that not what they are trying to do to this country? Limiting government and taking control over every aspect of American life as we know it. From collective bargaining to our health care? One may argue about President Obamas’ intentions on health care, my guess is he does not hold stock in the drug companies, insurance companies, or get politically backed by either. His intentions are good ones to make affordable health care for every American. How can you argue with that?
OK so I would just like to inform you of the reasons they call you a commie:
- They do not know any other word
- They watch Fox News and Glenn Beck far too often
- Since they watch Fox News they are brainwashed
- Their intentions are to piss you off lets just say, I know you are but what am I. (this doesn’t piss me off in any way, in fact I think it to be quite humorous)
- They're angry that their own party is making them look bad so they’re lashing out
- Their mother did not love them
- They have no better argument
- There is absolutely no good reason in being a Republican unless you are working as an executive on wall street, any major corporation, or you have more money then Oprah (and she’s a Democrat).
- They are angry that their child is gay
- They have no sense of reality (remember they watch Fox News)
Wow that list could go on for days. I just do not have that kind of time.
Come backs to the uneducated name calling….
Best thing to do is ignore them, but if you’re anything like me it’s impossible. You want to get a rise out of them, because lets face it name calling and arguing can be fun.
- I like you, you remind me of when I was young and stupid
- No, my powers can be used for good
- I don’t know what your problem is, but I bet it’s hard to pronounce
- I can see your point, but I think you’re full of shit
- What am I? Fly paper for freaks?
- We’re all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
- I’m not a communist, but you are insignificant
- It’s a thankless job, but I have a lot of karma to burn off
- Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental
- Apparently it is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them
So have fun with the Conservative that thinks the world starts and stops based on Fox News or anyone who has these distorted views of the Tea Party or Glenn Beck.