Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Tea Party Strikes Again!

A sane person wouldn't dress like that or hold a sign that said join or die.

It’s starting already, they’re crazy people everywhere. If you can’t get people to listen to you they decide to get a gun out instead. Its pure craziness, someone or some people send two bombs to two different locations in Maryland. A 22 year old shooter kills at least six people and injuring several more including a democratic representative Gabrielle Giffords. He shot her in the head and she is living so far. I don’t care what anyone says these incidents are all completely political. This is just the beginning I’m afraid. There are several other nut jobs out there that will see this and say gee, maybe this will make me famous. Even worse maybe these incidents will show people that it’s the only way to get through to the government. This is the wrong attitude to have. The best thing to do is stop buying stupid shit you don’t need. Let’s be real here. If you buy you are giving back to our government. Let’s stop the buying of crap we don’t need. I’ve told you all before. Get some gold, silver, guns, a stock pile of food. Random shootings, I predict is just the beginning, there will be much more happening in the days to come. People that have no money will start stealing and scamming it’s going to happen. I’ve lucked up by buying a house in the middle of nowhere, but sadly most people live in urban areas. Hopefully most of you have a place to go when the shit goes down.
They say the world is ending anyway, that would be the deal breaker.
This has to be the scariest damn picture I've ever seen....stay with us forever Danny!

Let’s start with the bombs that were sent to Maryland. These “packages” were sent to government buildings. One was addressed to Gov. Chris Gregoire of Washington another Democrat. The second package was addressed to Gov. Martin O'Malley of Maryland take a guess yes he to is a Democrat. To say this wasn’t political is laughable. It seems everyday something happens that is highly political. Crimes, yes but political as well. How can you say that sending a bomb into a federal building addressed to the governor isn’t political? That is just obscured, I get people don’t want to set off panic or god forbid copycats. Tell the people the truth, that’s all we want from our government. It seems that no one in the government has that ability. This happened Thursday, on Friday a similar package was sent to Janet Napolitano the United States Secretary of Homeland Security. You guessed it Janet is another Democrat. Is this striking you as odd? I don’t think it is, this is just what the crazy tea party wanted. The psycho tea party members are getting their wish.

Sarah Palin's hit list, Rep. Giffords is on here!

The tea party is starting to get way out of hand! These crazy bastards are inciting riots and it’s absolutely ridiculous. Sarah Palin had a list of targets on Facebook one of the targets is Representative Giffords. Some of the things the shooter Jared Lee Loughner has said on a youtube video are words that I myself have heard Glenn Beck say on his television show. Scaring people is not the way to go Glenn. You, Palin, and the rest of the crazy tea baggers are starting to show your true colors. We now see how crazy these people truly are. There is currently a man hunt for a 50 (something) year old man. I’m guessing that’s the person who was whispering in this kid’s ear giving him these outrageous ideas. The tea party is mainly Americans over 50 years old. Maybe there was something wrong with the water back in the day. Who knows, all I know is that most democrats are getting death threats. Face the facts all politicians are crooks, so why single out the democrats? Beck, Palin, Bachmann, and several other nutcases are brainwashing the weak minded. If you people would wake up and smell the coffee, the world would be a much safer place. Why anyone would listen to a few crazy yahoos just baffles me. I’m sure everyone has heard, don’t believe everything you read. Well, you also shouldn’t believe anything that comes out of a republican’s mouth either. These people are just money hungry bastards. They don’t care about you or even sympathize with you. The only thing they’re concerned about is their own ass. If they cared about you, the world would be much different.  Can’t say that Democrats are any better, however they are a little more realistic with their actions. They seem to want the country to be a better place. They are doing more for workers and the poor. That’s why I lean more toward the left. I can’t go near the right. For good reason, throughout history the conservatives have been way over the top. They have also fought for too many things I am totally against. I won’t get into that, this isn’t about any of that. This is about a crazy conservative with a gun, a liberal’s worst nightmare.
 This is a video from Jared Loughner put on youtube

Let’s get back to the issue here, Fox News is pushing that this is not political. It purely is, Loughner may have shot more than just Rep Giffords, but he also had a death wish. That he may have not been able to do himself. If he shot her point blank he wanted to die. Loughner must have thought, someone will kill me if I shoot her. When no one did he shot randomly. He wrote a goodbye note to his friends on myspace, and also allegedly had a suicide note in his pocket. Loughner was planning on dying today; there is no doubt in my mind. There will be more things happening like this. If you get a death threat, you may want to have security all over you. Arizona really needs to watch who they give firearm cards to. It's a scary country we live in. We will give a weapon to anyone and it's not something that should be done. I am all for owning weapons. It's just that people really need to be looked at before they are issued a gun.
 Glenn Beck ranting, same thing gunman was blogging about...
Jared Lee Loughner

I’ve seen some radicals on twitter saying that terrorists are only Muslims, which really infuriated me at the time. Today it shows just how wrong those people are. The packages and the shooting was a true definition of a terrorist attack. This Laughner guy slaughtered innocent people and most likely would have loved to have been killed. I’m not sure what the laws are in Arizona, but they probably have the death penalty he may just get his wish. He should have to stay in prison for the rest of his life. For the simple fact that he wanted to die. Don’t give this guy what he wants. Give him life! The worst thing that could happen to him. He’ll claim insanity and he’ll get it. Anyone who watches Fox News religiously and believes everything that comes out of Becks mouth really is insane. Laughner knew what he was doing. It was obviously planned so he really shouldn’t get to claim insanity. Welcome to the United States, our constitution will allow it. It will be a loss for the dead and the families that lost their loved ones in this tragic event.
Representative Giffords

Please say a prayer for the people who lost their lives and their families. This is a sad situation and I hope that it doesn’t happen again. Please also pray for Representative Giffords and hope she makes a full recover. No one deserves to be shot or to die the way these people have. It’s a true tragedy and unfortunately it just makes my blogs more accurate. The tea party is going to take the country down and Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are sincerely evil humans.

1 comment:

  1. Loughner's Youtube video was kind of jibberish...what I thought was funny about Beck is he basically said, "go stockpile stuff while it's still cheap," instead of encouraging people to learn skills to help them live more simply and sustainably. For example, all those canned goods you stockpile will eventually run out. What do you do then? No, don't learn how to garden and can, just stockpile. His solution is taking a gush and turning it into a slow bleed.

