Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mob Busts the Union Falls

Is it a coincidence that 127 mobsters were arrested mid-January in New York and New Jersey; the very next month New Jersey, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Rhode Island are busting down Unions? Six different crime families were indited on several different charges including; extortion, racketeering, drug trafficking, money laundering, arson, and five counts of murder. Mob take downs are not unusual in the 80's this happened as well, you may be familiar with the movie 'Goodfellas' that is an actual true story. This however is one of the biggest take downs in crime syndicate history. The crime families have connections with the Unions all over the country. It is not an unknown fact that the mob runs the Union silently. In states that have mob ties like Illinois with the Chicago mob, they are not busting down Unions, there also has not been any mob arrests in Chicago. It is also known that this is a ploy to take down the Democratic party underhandedly by getting rid of the Unions. This just not just take care of the Democratic party it will take down the middle class. The end of collective bargaining is a terrible way to do this. Not only will people work for lower pay, which many are already, this country will become a country like China. Chinese work hard, long hours, for little pay. That is what this can do to the country if this happens in these few states. Law makers will see to it that no one in this country will make a decent wage again. The Republican Party is busting Unions for their own political gain, making sure that no Democrat will be elected or re-elected again.

You may argue that Mob run Unions are a bad thing, not a good thing. I will tell you that the criminal element, while it may not be a great thing, what do you think the politicians are? Politicians are anything but ethical, it has been proven over and over again. The mob at least does not hide the fact that they are criminals. Getting the mob out of the way is an extremely tactful way to ensure Union busting. Tell me who are the real criminals in this game. Law enforcement knows what the mob is up to; it seems very corrupt that these major players were arrested weeks before this Union busting started. Unions are something workers need, without Unions majority of middle, working class Americans will not survive. My question to these Union busters is this, Where is your compassion for the working people of this country? Without the working class Unions you would not have a nice big mansion to go home to. If a non-union company built your house, it might be falling apart right now.

This has not been a news story at all, it is questionable that anyone has thought of this or it is a major cover up. Mob ties to the Union are something that has been around since Al Capone, and it has not stopped. People have said the mob is dead; always remember just because you do not see something in front of you does not mean it does not exist. One can not say the Union is corrupt with out looking at the Politicians as well. Unions help people end of story. Legislators like to hurt the little guy every time; it is the same with major corporations. I would take working for the mob over a politician any day of the week. At least they will pay a decent wage. Politicians are trying to take collective bargaining rights away from the people. Any sane working class person should be against this, even if you believe public employees sometimes make more money then they should. Always remember these people earned their pay and their right to protest.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Arguing with the Tea Party

Let us face the facts, you can not argue with a Tea Party supporter. I have tried, and it wastes time. These people are insane and highly delusional. I recently had two separate debates with Tea Party supporters and I am going to share the things I have said. The debates are not over, but anything I said was immediately shot down to how I hate wealthy people and I am Un American. I did my duty and served, that is how Un-American I am. I will not post what the person said in defense, to provide the ignorance with privacy, and I can't promote lies.

The first debate was a listing that read "Do Tea Party People Hate?":
It seems the tea party itself is always trying to hide things. I have found numerous accounts for racism. However, it is not just racism that disturbs me it is also the obvious lies the tea party tells the American people.

When the candidates for the November elections were backed by the tea party  they were all for freedom, the Constitution, and jobs. Each and every elected candidate that was backed by the tea party is taking away basic Constitutional rights. I am very disturbed by reading and hearing by several reputable sources that the tea party is backed by major corporations that have stake in what these elected officials do and say. All of the billions of dollars these corporations put into elections is another scary thing.

Why are they spending all this money on candidates when they should be hiring more people. Every elected tea party member has not backed their word to do what they set out to do and I can give numerous accounts for this. I wont bother at this point, you already know this.
I can not back the Tea Party I do not believe anything they say when I know big corporations are the major players. These companies are bringing down the US. On your Patriot website it shows Tea Party supporters talking about pretending to be Union workers and trying to make them look bad at the rally's. I know you say the left have done that. This whole left and right thing is hate as well. We are all Americans we all want the same things why can we not work together for the greater good of our country. This is all about Americans rights, lining politicians pockets should be the last thing on our minds.
This shows the level of education the Tea Party supporters have
Seriously, you are going to use youtube as evidence when I have proof that the Tea Party planted people at the Union rally's to make the workers look bad. The Tea Party may have some educated people, but that is mainly because majority are elderly. The majority of tea party supporters are also misinformed and delusional. (Proof about the Tea Party plot is at the end)

You talk about liberty and freedom why would Tea Party backed candidates take away middle class rights? That is exactly what every surrounding state of mine is doing. Thank God my state has a Democratic Governor.

I am not reading a book you suggest. I have no time for that. I go to school full time, I'm a wife, Mother of three, I work part-time, and I am the Vice President of my community board. I am currently reading Profiles in Courage, although I have read it before it is a requirement for one of the classes I am taking. It is more informative then any book you can suggest. These American hero's would be welcomed in our Government today.

The question at hand, Capitalism, well you may argue it is good for someone like you. It is bad for me and let me tell you why. It promotes privatization and greed, the average person does not prosper in a capitalist society, as usual like Reaganomics the wealthy get wealthier the poor get extremely poor. It is a win for the wealthy and the downfall of the US. How could you say that Capitalism is a good thing unless you were the CEO of say BP? Capitalism is Fascism at it's best. While I agree with small business, Capitalism is good in that aspect. Like I have said for the average Joe it is a terrible thing. Yes you work for what you get, but when the economy is terrible, there are no jobs, how does someone who does not have a job prosper?

I now need to question the Tea Party values, with Socialism there is a much smaller government which the Tea Party is said to be all for. Why are you so against Socialism? I understand if you work hard for your money you want to keep it. I get that, but what about the poor people without jobs? The wealthy think they can give them a dollar and all is forgiven? The main problem with Capitalism is the people it makes even more wealthy, like they need it. I am not saying Socialism is the answer, but there is an answer somewhere out there and Capitalism is not the way to go. For the record Socialism has not been tried in the US.

Do not start on the Union that will not help your case. To be against teachers, fire fighters, police that protect us is sick. If they end Unions if you are ever in need of police or fire good luck with that. It is a way to get rid of the middle class and have two classes poor and rich and I can tell you are not poor, before you were retired I'm sure you made at least three figures a year. If I am correct and this is true, you have no right to speak for any middle American because you in fact do not know what you are talking about. For you to say that teachers make lavish salaries is a highly UNTRUE statement and the same goes for the Police and Fire fighters. My mother-in-law works for the city of Chicago and she is no way making a lavish salary. She gets paid decently but works her butt off. That rally was for rights of workers and it should be done. That is in the first amendment I recommend you re-read the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, and The Bill of Rights. You are clearly mistaken.
I then posted this at the end: courtesy of the Tea Party Patriot website
Mark Williams News & Commentary
Reporting from Occupied America and fighting for Liberty

on February 20, 2011 by Mark Williams in Mark Williams News & Commentary, Comments (0)
That link will take you to an SEIU page where you can sign up as an “organizer” for one of their upcoming major rallies to support the union goons in Wisconsin.
Here is what I am doing in Sacramento, where they are holding a 5:30 PM event this coming Tuesday: (1) I signed up as an organizer (2) with any luck they will contact me and I will have an “in” (3) in or not I will be there and am asking as many other people as can get there to come with, all of us in SEIU shirts (those who don’t have them we can possibly buy some from vendors likely to be there) (4) we are going to target the many TV cameras and reporters looking for comments from the members there (5) we will approach the cameras to make good pictures… signs under our shirts that say things like “screw the taxpayer!” and “you OWE me!” to be pulled out for the camera (timing is important because the signs will be taken away from us) (6) we will echo those slogans in angry sounding tones to the cameras and the reporters. (7) if I do get the ‘in’ I am going to do my darnedest to get podium access and take the mic to do that rant from there…with any luck and if I can manage the moments to build up to it, I can probably get a cheer out of the crowd for something extreme.

WARNING: When around these union events do NOT instigate ANY physical confrontation, walk away from anyone who tries to start one with you. These people WILL have a mob mentality and ARE dangerous
Since I have radio shows to host in Fresno tomorrow (KMJ FM and KMJ AM) I am going to try to gin up some support from down there and salt the crowd here with more people.
Several Tea Party chapters around the country are planning to join with me, if you are a member of one in your area please contact them for details. If they are not participating get them to!
Chances are that because I am publishing this they’ll catch wind, but it is worth the chance if you take it upon yourself to act…there’s only one of me but there are millions of you and I know that you CAN do this!
Our goal is to make the gathering look as greedy and goonish as we know that it is, ding their credibility with the media and exploit the lazy reporters who just want dramatic shots and outrageous quotes for headlines. Even if it becomes known that we are plants the quotes and pictures will linger as defacto truth.
That’s really the way it works folks, time to use this weapon against the enemy.
Contact me if you can help with the Sacramento event

I will post the next discussion some other time, it is amazing what these people believe. Please do research before backing any crazy scam like the Tea Party!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is the Constitution Being Upheld Today?

My first reaction is no, then again in some ways it is and others not so much. Filibusters are a major problem in the Senate, to argue something to death is just not the answer. Since the house does not allow it why does the Senate? The filibuster is to stop any bill from being voted on it seems Unconstitutional. There is no such rule on filibusters in the Constitution. Progress can not be done with constant filibusters, in the Constitution the two houses are to make their own rules, so in fact it is Constitutional.(US Constitution)The main issue we look at is it ethical. If one Senator does not agree with a proposed bill they are allowed to talk as long as they want. The problem is they can go on and on about anything, it may not have anything to do with the proposed bill. Frankly, it wastes tax payer’s money our taxes pay these Senators salaries when they are in session and listening to a filibuster for weeks on end people should be disturbed by that. If you do not agree with a bill even if you know it will pass without your vote, what are you to do? Apparently the Senators feel they can deliberately waste time of Senators and money of the tax payers. You can track the Federalist Papers and get some clarification on filibusters, I am not quite sure it is what the framers intended it to be used for. "All that need be remarked is, that a body which is to correct this infirmity ought itself to be free from it, and consequently ought to be less numerous. It ought, moreover, to possess great firmness, and consequently ought to hold its authority by tenure of considerable duration." Considerable duration is one thing, 24 hours and 18 minutes of speaking is another, as did Senator Strom Thurmond in 1957 when debating civil rights? That is a clear waste of time and tax payers money. That bill passed in any matter, but it also wasted tax payer money as well.

The elected officials of today all remark on spending less and getting people more jobs. This lack of personal responsibility from our officials is part of the reason for the debt crisis in the first place. If the House and the Senate would spend more time on job creating bills and less time on minor things it would make more sense. Today the House for example is passing through several bills that will die in the Senate. Needless to say the House being majority Republican and the Senate majority is Democrat; most will die when it reaches the Senate. I have said it before; compromise is a great tool more officials need to work on. The main issue Americans face is jobs, mortgages, and inflation. These are key issues both houses can work on to satisfy majority of Americans. It seems like both Democratic and Republican officials have an agenda to make their opposing party look bad. Watching this piece of American history unfold is frustrating, it seems both parties want the same thing, but at the same time they do not want to admit it. It is a wonder if the officials actually agree or they are saying these things to get elected.
The main example I have for elected officials not doing what they say they will after winning an election is the Patriot Act. Mainly Tea Party Republican Candidates all went on and on about upholding Constitutional values. The Patriot Act takes away the 4th amendment as well as several others. 77.5% of tea party backed candidates voted to extend this law, which are 31 of the 40 in the House. It seems it is another case of a candidate lying to get what they want. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Why You Should Back Wisconsin

The Tea Party is at it again, screwing the working class. Wisconsin workers continue their fight and I am with them! If this bill passes in Wisconsin that is the end to bargaining across the country. When was it bad to be in a Union? A Union makes sure the corporations or our bosses do not in fact screw us. We have rights as employees. No matter what your favorite host of Fox News says Unions are the backbone to the working people. The middle class needs Unions or these people will be working for pennies.

Lets do some thinking as to how this has happened. The Tea Party has been going on and on about how the Unions are bad. Let us look at this logically. When the Tea Party first began their terror on the American people they were all for jobs and budget cuts. That was their main goal that and the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers, that's almost laughable! Now how can you want freedom and have people breaking their backs for minimum wage? The Unions make that possible. Lets start with the Tea Parties favorite candidates, most of all won the last election. Shocking isn't it? The funding for these slime balls were from the Tea Party one would think, no think again. Actually, BP was a major contributor to the Tea Party candidates, as well as several other big business corporations such as Koch, Bayer, BASF, Solvay. Other contributors include the Chamber of Commerce that received funding from several Middle Eastern Oil Companies, these companies have an interest in lying about global warming to save them loads of money. The environment is fine, didn't you know that, the Tea Party and Oil Companies say it is, so that must be right! So, in the best interest of these Tea Party elected officials to get rid of Unions as well. keeping the Unions in tact will put a damper on their own funding and political gain.

It is crazy to think that the REAL Tea Party in Boston was completely against things like big corporations. Their whole issue was becoming free, not giving in to England. The current Tea Party is apparently using the name to their advantage, against Big Corporations they are not. They tell people that the corporations are what give you jobs. They may be right to a point, but if they dis-ban the unions how safe are your jobs? When you ask for a raise, they'll say forget you there are 20 people in line for this job and we can pay them less. That is what the union does, it makes it fair and for helps you feel safe in your job. Why would any self-respecting American not want that for our public workers, or any hard working American? So the rich get richer, this is history in the making. The working man is stepping up and saying not today jerk off. It is inspiring and it should be done all over the United States. We should be marching in front of every government building, ever major corporation, and at every Tea Party rally until things get done! This is becoming ridiculous. We are losing here and no one except Wisconsin and Ohio seem to give a crap. Do something take the time to watch the news, read a newspaper, figure it out or the wealthy corporations are going to walk all over us and we will be lost forever.

Think about this, if Wisconsin law makers pass this bill, what do you think will happen in your state? Do you think the Unions will continue? Do you think you'll be paid what you should be paid? Another question is, do you think it wont happen to you? It's happening watch what the House of Representatives are doing instead of their jobs on the budget. Abortion, Patriot Act, the list goes on it is ridiculous. We need jobs! Even if you're pro-life and you do not have a job do you really give a damn that the government funds women to get birth control? Correct me if I am wrong, but is that not a good thing? Do you want a bunch of bastard children running around and no one to take care of them? Oh, wait, that is where our tax dollars will go, paying for all the unwanted pregnancies of the world and the children that are a result. Please people wake up and do something, get off your couch and make a difference, before the corporations take more of our freedoms away from us.

Check out this website it's an amazing article:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

State of the Union Address

On January 25, 2011 President Barack Obama gave the State of the Union address. Important Constitutional issues were addressed such as, control of the national debt and the need for a smaller government. The better part of the speech was using the Presidential power of checks and balances when speaking to Congress. This was also playing referee to a point, the political parties in the United States have been fighting like children. The President focused on job creation; an issue that many American people are concerned with today. Obama painted a clear picture of his intentions to increase jobs around the nation. President Obama explained how he is trying to shape the world, this by undertaking one of his many roles as president and dealing with foreign policy. The President delivered a clear message, the need for change and what his plans are for that change.
            President Obama has an idea to control the increasing United States debt. The plan starts with freezing annual spending for the next five years. However, his key words throughout the State of the Union Address were to invest in innovation, infrastructure, and education. While this will help the country immensely in the years to come, it is also something that can potentially increase the annual budget. His intentions are to find investors for these ideas, finding investors is an excellent plan to keep to his word. Barack Obama spoke of minimizing government; he contends there are too many government agencies and the need to cut some of that out. The proposition to Congress is simple; consolidate government to make it better. He acknowledged the need for competence in the government.
            The President of the United States let the Congressional audience know that he was watching their moves. Obama was far from subtle in doing this, even going as far as telling Congress they need to take responsibility for their actions. The president in so many words let Congress know they were not fooling anyone, while they spend more money than revenue coming in. Next Obama spoke directly to the majority of the Republican Party, and let them know the Government can no long afford the tax break for the 2% of the wealthiest Americans. Barack Obama called Congress out stating the need to eliminate the billions of tax dollars in oil companies to invest in the future, meaning a cleaner and more efficient energy sources. The President is using the power of veto to his advantage and will veto any bill that passes his desk with earmarks. Obama seemed to be playing a father-like role and said that Government may have different views of policy, but if we all believe in our Constitution, dreams, and country anything is possible.
            The President focused on job creation, he also spoke words that could not be truer “We need to keep jobs in American, not over seas.” Mr. Obama made deals with foreign leaders to bring two-hundred and fifty thousand jobs from India and China to the U.S. He also spoke with the leader of South Korea and has the ability to obtain seventy-five thousand jobs into the United States. President Obama urged Congress to let that bill pass to help the country obtain the much needed employment. Next, he expressed the need to lower and simplify the corporate tax rate; he claims this can happen without adding to the deficit. There are plans for a high speed rail, which goes along with the countries infrastructure, and job creation. He pushed education, without education the U.S. can not be number one. Education is the foundation of every invention and idea, and is crucial for this country. The President would like to keep the tuition tax credit incentive so education can reach every American. The focus for innovation is how Americans make their living along with free enterprise. More jobs will be available by investing in research and education.
            When The President spoke about things happening overseas the Iraq and Afghanistan War came through. He declared the war in Iraq was coming to an end. Afghanistan was another story it was said that there is tougher fighting ahead, but the troops will be beginning to come home in July of this year. As with any State of the Union Address the President talked about his accomplishments and along with the U.N. the nuclear material is being locked down tighter in surrounding countries. President Obama has been making alliances with other countries also stating that all countries support democratic aspirations. In order to perform the role as President he must keep alliances with other countries in order to avoid war and protection in the case of a war with a hostile country. 
            The Presidents speech was direct and to the point. I believe President Obama accomplished the job of addressing some of the issues the American people are facing and a way to acquire the goals he set forth. Controlling the national debt and a smaller government seemed to top his list. Knowing that the American President is doing his job when it comes to taming Congress sets minds at ease. As long as Congress works together there can be the needed change that is sought. The American people want to see the economy thrive; investing in innovation, infrastructure, and education is the only way to achieve this goal. Another issue the Barack Obama covered was safety, which is in the back of American minds as well. He achieved some ease when letting people know of the alliances and the locking down of weapons. President Obama’s speech was articulate and to the point, actions speak louder than words, focusing on the goals is the very key to a successful Presidency.